

1. "I love you more than I can say." - 《泰坦尼克號》

2. "Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." - 《阿甘正傳》

3. "You complete me." - 《戀戀筆記本》

4. "I love you with all my heart." - 《初戀的回憶》

5. "I'll always be yours." - 《風月俏佳人》

6. "You're the only one I want to share my life with." - 《真愛至上》

7. "I'm not giving you up." - 《初戀的回憶》

8. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me." - 《遇見你之前》

9. "I'm sorry if I've been distant, it's just that I've never felt this way before." - 《遇見你之前》

