

1. "I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you." - 泰戈爾

2. "My heart beats for you every hour like clockwork." - 英格索爾

3. "Love is like a hurricane, it's taking me with it." - 瓊尼·米歇爾

4. "When you look into my eyes, I see love at its finest." - 未知作者

5. "I cannot live without you, my heart, my love." - 維克多·雨果

6. "You are the sun that lights up my world, the music that flows through my soul." - 未知作者

7. "I love you until the end of time." - 未知作者

8. "You are my everything, and I am yours." - 未知作者

9. "Love is like a butterfly, it flies away, but it comes back." - 未知作者

10. "You are my destiny, my reason for being." - 未知作者

