

* Love is a touch and yet not a touch. *愛情是一個觸摸得到但摸不到的物體。

* Love is a game where two people take turns being foolish for one another. *愛情是兩個人玩的遊戲,輪流為對方做出一些傻事。

* Love is like a game of chess: one needs to be wise and clever in order to win. *愛情就像一場棋局,需要我們變得聰明和機智才能取得勝利。

* Love is a mist that sometimes appears and disappears like a dream. *愛情就像一團迷霧,有時出現,有時消失。

* Love is like a butterfly: it flies away, but leaves a memory with its beauty. *愛情就像一隻蝴蝶,飛走了,卻留下了美麗的回憶。

* Love is like a flower that grows in silence, blooming in secrecy. *愛情就像一朵花,無聲無息地生長,在秘密中綻放。

* Love is like the ocean: vast and unpredictable, yet always peaceful and comforting. *愛情就像海洋:廣闊而不可預測,但總是平靜而令人感到舒適。
