

* 朋友是唯一一個可以容忍我們所有缺點的人。 Friend is the only one who can tolerate all our flaws.

* 真正的朋友就像寶石一樣,稀少而珍貴。 A true friend is like a gem, rare and precious.

* 朋友是人生的快樂源泉,他們在我們需要時給予支持和鼓勵。 Friends are the joyful source of life, providing support and encouragement when we need it.

* 友誼是一種相互理解,它讓我們在困難時感到不那麼孤單。 Friendship is a mutual understanding, it makes us feel less alone when we are in difficulties.

* 友誼需要我們不斷維護和投入,就像一棵樹需要我們的呵護和關愛一樣。 Friendship requires continuous maintenance and investment, just like a tree needs our care and attention.

* 真正的朋友是那些在你成功時為你高興,失敗時為你擔憂的人。 A true friend is someone who is happy for you when you succeed, and who is there for you when you fail.
