

* 不要為了討好別人而來來去去。—— Don't come and go for others' approval.

* 我荒廢了時間,時間便把我荒廢了。—— I waste my time, and time wastes me.

* 人生不過是行走在種種無奈之間的過客。—— Life is just a passerby between various無奈.

* 時間很短,天涯很遠。—— Time is short, and the world is far away.

* 當你能飛時,就不要放棄飛。—— When you can fly, don't give up flying.

* 只要路是對的,就不怕路遠。—— As long as the path is correct, one need not fear the distance.

* 當生活把你拋向失落的深淵,不要怕,請伸出你的雙手來接住它。—— When life throws you into a deep abyss of despair, don't be afraid. Just extend your hands to catch it.

* 人生就像一場舞會,教會你最初舞步的人卻未必能陪你走到最後。—— Life is like a ball, the person who teaches you the initial steps may not be able to accompany you to the end.

* 人生就像一場夢,夢醒了,一切就都結束了。—— Life is like a dream, after the dream awakens, everything will come to an end.
