

1. 「Get ready for bed, because tonight we're going to have a very special dream.」(《小鬼當家》)

2. 「不要因為你是個天才,就以為自己無所不知。」(《死亡詩社》)

3. 「I'll be back.」(《終結者》)

4. 「Save my soul, or I'll save the world.」(《超膽俠/夜魔俠》)

5. 「You don't know how it feels to want something so bad you can taste it.」(《魔發奇緣》)

6. 「I'm king of the world!」(《鐵達尼號》)

7. 「We're all a little weird, and that's how we are.」(《死亡詩社》)

8. 「You can't handle the truth!」(《七宗罪》)

9. 「It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.」(《卡薩布蘭卡》)

10. 「I love you more than I love myself.」(《真愛至上》)

