
"Romeo and Juliet" is a story from William Shakespeare's classic play. The full story text in English may be long, but here is a brief summary:

Romeo is a young nobleman, and he and his family are feuding with the Montagues, the family of Juliet, a young woman. When Romeo meets Juliet, he falls in love with her. They plan to run away and marry, but their families forbid it.

After a series of events, Romeo and Juliet secretly marry and then return to their families. However, their families are unable to reconcile their differences and eventually arrange for Juliet to be poisoned and die. Romeo, unaware of the true circumstances of Juliet's death, becomes despondent and eventually commits suicide.

This is a tragic love story that emphasizes the power of love and its importance over family feuds and rivalries.

Note: Please be advised that the original play contains profanity and violence that some viewers may find inappropriate for younger audiences.
