
"Romeo and Juliet" is a famous story in English. Here's the story in English:

Once upon a time, two star-crossed lovers named Romeo and Juliet lived in Verona, Italy. They were from rival families, but their love for each other was stronger than the feud between them. However, they were unable to marry because of the rivalry between their families.

As fate would have it, Romeo accidentally killed Juliet's cousin during a banquet hosted by her family. This event sparked a feud between their families, and Romeo was banished from Verona for his reckless act.

After his departure, Juliet became ill and was told that only a kiss from her dead lover could cure her. Her father agreed to let Romeo return to Verona to fulfill her wish, but he had to pretend to be a stranger to Juliet.

Unfortunately, Romeo's return was interrupted by a fight between their families, and he was killed in the battle. Juliet died shortly after, having never seen her beloved Romeo again.

In the end, their tragic love story was not resolved, but it inspired many people to believe in true love and the power of love over hate.
