羅莎帕克斯(Rosa Parks)是一位美國民權運動領袖,她因在1955年在亞特蘭大巴士上拒絕給白人乘客讓座而被捕,這一事件成為了美國民權運動的重要里程碑。以下是一些羅莎帕克斯的名言:
1. "I'm not moving until we change segregated society."
2. "No white man will tell me what to do or how to live!"
3. "When I first became involved, I hoped that the colored people might one day gain the right to sit beside me in a bus."
4. "When I see things in my heart, it tells me it's time to speak out and stand up."
5. "When we truly act on the principles of freedom and equality, we must expect the unexpected."