







Once upon a time in a mountain called Huaigou, there was a monkey named Sun Wukong. He was smart, brave, and full of curiosity. One day, he discovered a cave with beautiful scenery and abundant food, named "Water Curtain Cave". He decided to become the owner of this cave.

To become the owner, Sun Wukong had to pass a series of challenges. He first had to defeat the monsters in the cave and gather food and weapons. With his wisdom and bravery, he successfully completed these challenges.

Then, Sun Wukong met other animals from other caves who saw the beauty of Sun Wukong and voluntarily followed him, building their new home together.

To ensure their safety, Sun Wukong also learned some martial arts and magic to better protect them. He was very intelligent and through learning some magic, he created his own weapons and equipment, such as Jin Guban and Qi Shuibian.

Finally, Sun Wukong became the true owner of Huaigou Mountain, and his wisdom, bravery, and kindness won the respect and love of all the animals. He enjoyed a peaceful and prosperous life with them.
