

1. Beauty is truth, truth beauty —— 美人就是真理,真理就是美人。

2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder —— 美是旁觀者的主觀感受。

3. You are beautiful not because of your looks but because of your inner beauty —— 你之所以美麗,不是因為外表,而是因為你的內在美。

4. To be beautiful, a woman should have a gentle soul and an intelligent heart —— 女性若想美麗,應該具有溫柔的心靈和聰慧的心靈。

5. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes by looking into them with love, for only a man who loves can see. —— 一個女人的美麗不在於她穿的衣服、她的體態或者她梳頭的方式。一個女人的美麗一定在她眼睛裡,用愛去注視她,只有愛才能發現。

