* 朋友是身邊那份充實;是忍不住時刻想撥的號碼;是深夜長坐的那杯清茶。
Friends are the solid companionship around us; It's the uncontrollable desire to dial the number at midnight; It's the cup of green tea that keeps you company until the early hours of the morning.
* 朋友不是書,它比書更絢麗;朋友不是歌,它比歌更動聽。
Friends are not books, they are more beautiful than books; Friends are not songs, they are more melodious than songs.
* 朋友不一定合情合理,但一定知心知意,不一定形影不離,但一定心有靈犀。
Friends may not always be reasonable, but they must be heartfelt and understanding. They may not always be physically together, but they must be spiritually connected.
* 朋友就是一筆財富,每一份真誠,都會換來真心,每一份信任,都會換來感動,人可以一無所有,但不可以一無是處,可以沒有溫暖的花前月下,但不可以沒有朋友。
Friends are a wealth. Each piece of sincerity will be rewarded with true hearts, and each level of trust will be rewarded with moving moments. People may have nothing, but they cannot be lacking in anything. They may not have a warm moment under the moon and stars, but they cannot lack friends.