

1. 大道廢,有仁義;智慧出,有大偽;六親不和,有孝慈;國家昏亂,有忠臣。(英文:When the great way is abandoned there is need for benevolence and righteousness. When wisdom prevails there is great hypocrisy. When there is discord among the six relationships, there is a time for filial piety and chastity to appear. When the country is in confusion and disorder, there are loyal ministers to appear.)

2. 知人者智,自知者明;勝人者有力,自勝者強。(英文:Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is enlightenment. Winning others is strength, conquering yourself is true strength.)

3. 禍兮福之所倚,福兮禍之所伏。(英文:Adversity is the harbinger of good luck, while good luck may be hiding behind adversity.)

