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The graph represents a survey about mobile phone usage among high school students in different cities. From the graph, we can see that the number of students using mobile phones has been increasing over the past few years, especially in big cities. The most popular usage among students is to make phone calls, but texting has also become increasingly popular. In addition, many students use their phones to access social media and watch videos.

Based on this information, I believe that mobile phones have become an essential part of high school students' lives. They provide a convenient way for students to communicate with each other and access information quickly and easily. In addition, mobile phones help students stay connected with their friends and family, which can be important during challenging times like exams or when homesick. However, we should also be aware of the negative impacts of mobile phones, such as excessive use leading to eye strain and digital addiction. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between using mobile phones appropriately and limiting their negative effects on our health and academic performance.

In conclusion, mobile phones have become an essential part of high school students' lives, providing them with convenient communication and information access tools. However, we should also be aware of the negative impacts of mobile phones and strive to strike a balance between their benefits and risks.
