1. 「願平安、健康、喜樂、和平從神家出來,直到地極!」(《馬太福音》14:23)May peace, health, joy, and peacefulness come from the house of God to the ends of the earth!
2. 「願上帝賜福給你的家庭,賜福給你的人生道路,並賜福給你所做的一切。」May God bless your family, your life path, and all that you do.
3. 「願上帝賜福給你,使你充滿愛心,智慧和力量。」May God bless you with love, wisdom, and strength.
4. 「願上帝賜福給你每一天,使你充滿喜樂,平安和滿足。」May God bless you with joy and peace every day.
5. 「願上帝賜福給你的一生,使你無論在何處,都能活出他的旨意。」May God bless your life and allow you to live his will wherever you may be.
6. 「願上帝賜福給你和你的家人,使他們永遠健康、幸福。」May God bless you and your family with eternal health and happiness.
7. 「願上帝賜福給你的人生旅程,使你在每一個轉彎處都能找到新的機會和挑戰。」May God bless your journey in life and provide you with new opportunities and challenges at every turn.