

1. "願你們兩個在婚姻的旅程中,彼此扶持,共同成長,白頭偕老,永浴愛河。"

"May you two lean on each other and grow together in the journey of marriage, and may you stay together till the end and bathe in the love forever."

2. "願你們的愛情像磐石一樣堅固,像美玉一樣溫潤,直到永遠。"

"May your love be as steadfast as a rock, as smooth as a jade, forever."

3. "祝福你們兩個在婚姻的殿堂里,找到彼此的幸福,享受人生的甜蜜。"

"Wishing you both find happiness in the temple of marriage and savor the sweetness of life."

4. "願你們的婚姻充滿愛和歡笑,無論順境還是逆境,都能攜手共度。"

"May your marriage be filled with love and laughter, no matter the ups and downs, you can walk hand in hand."

5. "祝福你們兩個在婚姻的道路上,相互包容,相互扶持,一起走過人生的每一段旅程。"

"Wishing you both on the road to marriage, to be understanding and supportive of each other, walking through every chapter of life together."
