

1. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord."(願我口中言語和我心中思想都討你喜悅,主啊。)

2. "May your days be filled with peace and joy, and may your path be illuminated by the light of God's love."(願你的人生充滿平安和喜樂,願你的道路被上帝的愛所照亮。)

3. "May you always walk in the shadow of God's protection, and may his grace be upon you."(願你永遠行走在上帝的保護陰影下,願他的恩典與你同在。)

4. "May the light of Christ shine upon you, and may his healing touch comfort and strengthen you."(願基督的光芒照耀你,願他的醫治之手安慰你,使你堅強。)

5. "May you always find refuge in the arms of the Lord, and may his rod and staff provide you with comfort and strength."(願你總是在主的懷抱中找到避難所,願他的竿和桿給你安慰和力量。)

