

* 你要保守我心,使我見勝景猶如燈照。(以賽亞書42:16)

* Keep my heart diligently, that I may maintain the vision like a lamp burning.

* You will keep my heart diligently so that I may see the good ahead like a lamp.

* 我是那施慈愛、不厭惡仇恨的牧人。(以賽亞書55:8)

* I am the shepherd who has tender love and will not reject those who are hateful.

* I am the shepherd who shows tender love and will not reject those who are unlovely.

* 我已見你行走,你的腳蹤彷彿人的腳步,在你的腳蹤以外,我見獸的腳蹤。(詩篇23:2)

* I have seen your ways, Lord, and there is nothing in them that you would reject.

* I have seen your ways, Lord, and there is nothing in them that you would reject.

* 凡勞苦擔重擔的人,可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息。(馬太福音11:28)

* Let him who is weary and burdened come to me and let him who believes take the load from his shoulders.

* Whoever is weary and burdened, come to me and I will give you rest.

