
"St. Patrick's Dream" is a traditional Irish legend that tells the story of St. Patrick's encounter with a green dragon while praying in the forest. This dream-like experience marked the beginning of St. Patrick's mission to convert the Irish people to Christianity.

In terms of an English essay, you could write about the legend and its cultural significance, exploring themes such as faith, courage, and hope. You could also delve into the legend's historical context and its influence on Irish culture and identity. Here's an example:

Title: "St. Patrick's Dream: A Legend with a Mission"


"Legend has it that St. Patrick, the famous missionary to Ireland, had a dream that marked the beginning of his work among the Irish people. His dream was of a green dragon, which represents the ancient pagan gods that he sought to convert to Christianity. This essay explores the significance of this dream and its impact on St. Patrick's mission."

1. Background:

"Before his conversion to Christianity, Ireland was a land ruled by pagan gods and filled with pagan practices. St. Patrick, a disciple of Jesus, was sent to Ireland to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and convert the Irish people to Christianity."

2. The Dream:

"One night, while St. Patrick was praying in the forest, he had a dream in which he encountered a green dragon. The dragon appeared to him as a symbol of the ancient pagan gods that were present in Ireland."

3. The Mission:

"The dream marked the beginning of St. Patrick's mission to convert the Irish people to Christianity. He used the dragon as a symbol of the power of God and the need for conversion."

4. Impact:

"St. Patrick's mission had a profound impact on Ireland, changing its culture and identity from one based on paganism to one based on Christianity."


"The legend of St. Patrick's Dream is a powerful symbol of faith, courage, and hope that has shaped Ireland's history and culture. It reminds us that even in the face of adversity, we can find strength in our faith and hope for a better future."

Remember, an essay is not just about writing down facts; it's about expressing your thoughts and feelings about a topic. So, feel free to add your own personal perspective and interpretation to this legend.
