* 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網。 Catching fish in the river is not as good as making the net.
* 機會永遠留給有所準備的人。 Opportunities are always留給someone who is prepared.
* 不要等待機會,而要創造機會。 Do not wait for opportunities, but create them.
* 耐心和堅持在任何領域都會取得成功。 Patience and perseverance will lead to success in any field.
* 過去屬於死神,未來屬於你自己。 The past belongs to death, and the future belongs to you.
* 成功的路上沒有止境,永遠不能停止對成功的追求。 There is no end to success, and we must never stop pursuing it.
* 成功不是偶然,而是努力的必然結果。 Success is not accidental, but a necessary consequence of effort.