* academic
* academy
* accumulate
* acknowledge
* acclaim
* achieve
* active
* adjective
* adventure
* adverb
* aggression
* alienation
* alter
* alternative
* ambiguity
* anxiety
* answer
* aspect
* attractive
* average
* award
* benefit
* behaviour
* background
* blog
* bridge
* bulletin
* cancel
* chapter
* clear
* classroom
* climate
* close
* co-worker
* college
* connect
* comparison
* complex
* concept
* communicate
* condition
* conflict
* conversation
* convention
* create
* critical
* cross-cultural
* cultural
* cultural exchange
* cultural sensitivity
* current affairs
* date back to
* debate
* description
* develop
* diary
* dialogue
* dictionary
* discipline
* documentaries
* donate/contribute/offer/provide/share/transmit/transmit (v) (n) resources, information, knowledge, etc. (v) (n) (adj) diverse (n) (n) experience, knowledge, skills, etc. (v) (adj) diverse (n) (n) field (n) education, training, etc. (v) (n) field (n) knowledge, skills, abilities, etc. (v) (n) fieldwork (n) (n) foundation (n) general knowledge, background information, etc. (v) (adj) good-natured (n) impressionistic report, story, summary, etc. information exchange program/initiative. educational background, education and training, qualifications. initiate, start. lead to a good end, aim for a successful conclusion. middle, middle phase, central point. mood and outlook of students, vibe of the classroom. negative feedback/criticism/complaints. objective of the story. observe/study/investigate/examine/inspect/survey. opportunity for learning and growth. participate in activities. participate in events. personal opinion and viewpoint. perspective. problem-solving approach. publish/release/disseminate/broadcast information and knowledge. project/assignment/task/job/assignment. qualify for a job or position. resourcefulness. report on an event or situation. role models. screenwriting skills. social awareness and sensitivity. statistics and data analysis. support the cause of... promote the cause of... teach students about... train students in... introduce students to... spread knowledge of... develop understanding of... acquire skills in... assess and improve the effectiveness of teaching methods and programs. different stages of life, phases of development. ensure success by following certain principles or guidelines to help you achieve your goals or accomplish your objectives in life or learning new skills and knowledge effectively in different stages of life or learning stages or different stages of development. the latest research findings or trends in a certain field of study or technology or science or humanities. undergraduate education/undergraduate degree/undergraduate program. university campus/college environment/school community. vocational training/career development. workshop. word-of-mouth communication. 4000個基礎辭彙。常用動詞短語。常用介詞短語。固定搭配。高頻詞組。 數字媒體技術專業英語辭彙。英語六級考試重點辭彙。等等。