

* 凡事自己下決心而做出的選擇,必會粉碎一切阻礙。If you make a choice with your own decision, it will crush all obstacles.—— 亨利·戴維·梭羅

* 一切節省,歸根到底都歸結為時間的節省。All saving, in the end, is ultimately about saving time.—— 達爾文

* 凡事都要自我約束,這是做人的一種境界。You should discipline yourself in everything, because it is a state of being.—— 羅曼·羅蘭

* 自律,是人生的第一道鎖。Self-discipline is the first lock on life.—— 愛默生

* 自律是一種力量,它能幫助我們戰勝困難,贏得時間,收穫成功。Self-discipline is a kind of power that helps us overcome difficulties, win time and achieve success.—— 佚名

* 堅持做你應該做的事,這本身就是一種偉大的行為。Persevering in doing what you should do is a great act in itself.—— 喬治·艾略特

* 自律的人,才能掌握自己的人生。Only those who are self-disciplined can master their own life.—— 佚名

* 自律,即能在困苦中奮起,又能約束自己的人,必是成功之人。Only those who are self-disciplined and can rise up in adversity are likely to succeed.—— 愛默生
