

1. 盤古開天闢地(Pang-ku created the world):Pang-ku split open the ground and created the world.

2. 伏羲畫八卦(Fu Xi's creation of the Eight Trigrams):Fu Xi used his own body to represent the Eight Trigrams and created them from a divine vision.

3. 女媧補天(Nü Wa repaired the sky):Nü Wa used her divine power to repair the sky after it was shattered by a dragon.

4. 龍生九子(The Dragon's Nine Sons):The dragon gave birth to nine sons, each with different abilities and traits.

5. 仙女下凡(The Immortal Maiden's Visit to Earth):A beautiful immortal maid visited Earth and had children with a mortal man.

6. 神農嘗百草(Shennong Tasting Thousand Herbs):Shennong, the god of agriculture, experimented with various herbs to find cures for diseases.

7. 媽祖護海(Mazu's Protection of the Sea):Mazu, a legendary figure, protected the sea and its inhabitants.

