

1. 強調句型:使用強調結構可以使句子更加強烈和引人注目。例如,「It is in his mother's house that he spent his childhood.」

2. 比較句型:比較句型可以使兩個或多個事物之間的關係更加明確和生動。例如,「This is the most delicious dish I have ever tasted.」

3. 並列句型:使用並列句型可以清楚地表達多個觀點或事實。例如,「He is tall and strong, and he is very kind to everyone.」

4. 倒裝句型:倒裝句型可以使句子更加引人注目和有節奏感。例如,「Only then did I realize how important it was to plan ahead.」

5. 比喻句型:使用比喻可以使句子更加生動形象,增強表達效果。例如,「She is like a rose, with her beauty and innocence.」

6. 省略句型:省略句型可以使句子更加簡潔明了,但要注意不要遺漏關鍵信息。例如,「We can save time by going online instead of searching for books in libraries.」

7. 複合句型:使用複合句型可以使句子結構更加複雜,表達更詳細的信息。例如,「The problem is that we lack funds and resources to carry out the project.」

