1. 以引用名言或諺語的方式開頭,為文章奠定主題和情感基調。例如: 「As the saying goes, 『Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.』 This is my story about my experiences in the Army.」
2. 以介紹背景信息或情景的方式開頭,為讀者營造代入感。例如: 「In a world filled with technology and fast-paced life, there is still something that cannot be replaced by technology—the power of conversation.」
3. 以提出問題或困境的方式開頭,引發讀者的思考和共鳴。例如: 「In today』s society, where technology has taken over many aspects of our lives, there is one thing that cannot be ignored—the decline of reading culture.」
4. 以展示事實或數據的方式開頭,為文章提供論據和支撐。例如: 「According to a recent study, 70% of students in high school and college feel overwhelmed by the amount of information they have to process on a daily basis.」