

1. 有關生活的題目:

Life and Happiness(生活與幸福)

The Importance of Time in Life(時間在生活中的重要性)

The Joy of Reading(閱讀的樂趣)

The Difference between Busy and Productive(忙碌與高效的差異)

2. 有關文化交流的題目:

Cultural Differences and Friendships(文化差異與友誼)

The Benefits of Globalization(全球化的好處)

Intercultural Communication at Work(工作中的跨文化溝通)

The Challenges of Cross-Cultural Communication(跨文化溝通的挑戰)

3. 有關科技發展的題目:

The Impact of Technology on Society(科技對社會的影響)

The Future of Technology in Education(科技在教育領域的未來)

The Benefits and Risks of Virtual Reality(虛擬現實的優缺點)

The Changing Nature of Work Due to Technology(技術帶來的工作性質變化)

4. 有關個人成長的題目:

Success and Failure in Life(生活中的成功與失敗)

The Importance of Mental Health(心理健康的重要性)

The Benefits of Being Positive(積極的好處)

The Role of Persistence in Success(堅持在成功中的作用)

5. 有關環境保護的題目:

The Importance of Sustainable Development(可持續發展的重要性)

The Role of Individuals in Environmental Protection(個人在環保中的作用)

The Difference between Proactive and Reactive Environmental Protection(主動環保與被動環保的區別)

The Challenges of Climate Change(氣候變化的挑戰)

6. 有關人際關係和溝通的題目:

Friendship and Trust(友誼與信任)

The Benefits of Communication(溝通的好處)

The Importance of Listening(傾聽的重要性)

The Challenges of Difficult Relationships(處理困難關係的挑戰)

7. 有關教育話題的題目:

The Role of Education in Personal Development(教育在個人發展中的作用)

The Changing Nature of Education(教育領域的變革)

The Benefits of Online Learning(線上學習的優點)

The Importance of Critical Thinking(批判性思考的重要性)

8. 有關社會現象的題目:

The Impact of Social Media on Society(社交媒體對社會的影響)

The Dangers of Loneliness(孤獨的危險)

The Rise of Celebrity Culture(名流文化的興起)

The Changing Nature of Family Relationships(家庭關係的變化)
