

1. 開門見山:直接表達主題或觀點,例如:「Today, I want to talk about the importance of exercise.」

2. 引用名言或引言:引用名人名言或引言來引入主題,例如:「As Albert Einstein once said, 『Education is the conscious acquisition of knowledge and the consequent ability to apply that knowledge to real-life situations.』」

3. 提出問題:提出與主題相關的問題,引發讀者的思考,例如:「What would happen if we did not take care of the environment? The answer is complex, but it is essential to understand the impact of our actions on the planet.」

4. 講述事實或數據:通過提供事實或數據來引起讀者的興趣,例如:「According to a recent study, approximately 70% of Americans do not get enough exercise.」

5. 引用相關文章或書籍:引用其他文章或書籍的觀點或內容,以此為引子展開自己的論述,例如:「In his book 『The Power of Habit』, Charles Duhigg explains that motivation is a key factor in achieving our goals.」

