

1. It is well known that …(眾所周知…)

2. We must try to …(我們必須嘗試…)

3. It is time to …(是時候…)

4. It was (high) time that …(某人很早就應該…)

5. I suggest that …(我建議…)

6. The reason for this is that …(其原因是…)

7. As far as …is concerned …(就…而言)

8. It makes sense to …(有意義去做…)

9. It seems to me that …(在我看來…)

10. There is no doubt that …(毫無疑問…)

11. It is said …(據說…)

12. It has been reported that …(據報導…)

13. We should find ways and means to …(我們應該想辦法和尋找方法去…)

14. I am sure …(我確信…)

15. I hope / expect / believe …(我希望/期待/相信…)

16. I am confident that …(我相信…)

17. I hope it will be possible for us to …(我希望我們有可能去…)

18. There is no doubt that the major factor is …(毫無疑問,主要因素是…)

19. The reason for this is obvious. (其原因很清楚。)

20. The problem is complex and requires careful analysis. (問題很複雜,需要仔細分析。)

21. It is not difficult to find examples of …(不難找到…的例子。)

22. There are several reasons why …(有幾個原因可以解釋為什麼…。)

23. Now it is commonly acknowledged that …(現在人們普遍認為…。)

24. The consequences of this are far-reaching. (其影響是深遠的。)

25. We should not ignore the fact that …(我們不應該忽視這個事實…。)

26. Many people claim that …(許多人聲稱…。)

27. A considerable amount of time and energy has been spent on …(大量的時間和精力花費在…上。)

28. A number of factors need to be considered in order to …(需要考慮到一些因素以便於…。)

29. Many problems exist relating to …(有許多與…有關的問題存在。)

30. On no account should we neglect the value of time. (我們絕對不應該忽視時間的重要性。)

31. In summary, we may conclude that …(總之,我們可以得出結論…。)

32. Therefore, it can be said that …(因此,可以說…。)

33. We should try to turn our dreams into reality through hard work. (我們應該努力通過努力工作將我們的夢想變為現實。)

34. I believe the advantages of this approach outweigh the disadvantages. (我相信這種方法的優點超過了缺點。)

35. There is no doubt that with the development of science and technology, our life will become better and better. (毫無疑問,隨著科技的發展,我們的生活會越來越好。)

36. The development of modern technology has brought convenience to our life, but it has also brought some problems to our society. (現代科技的發展給我們的生活帶來了便利,但也給我們的社會帶來了一些問題。)

37. The Internet has become an essential part of modern life, but it also brings some problems such as cyber-crime and cyber-bullying. (網際網路已經成為現代生活的重要組成部分,但它也帶來了一些問題,如網路犯罪和網路欺凌。)

38. The key to success is not only talent but also hard work and discipline. (成功的關鍵不僅僅是天賦,還包括努力工作和自律。)

39. It is no use crying over spilled milk; we must learn from our mistakes and move on positively. (為牛奶流而哭泣是沒有用的;我們必須從錯誤中學習並以積極的態度前進。)

40.We should cherish every opportunity to improve our knowledge and skills, because knowledge is power that can help us achieve our goals in life. (我們應該珍惜每一個提高我們的知識和技能的機遇,因為知識是能夠幫助我們在生活中實現目標的權力。)

41.With the rapid development of technology, people are becoming more reliant on digital devices for communication and entertainment, but this trend has also brought about some negative consequences such as cyber-addiction and privacy concerns. (隨著科技的快速發展,人們越來越依賴於數字設備進行通信和娛樂,但這一趨勢也帶來了一些負面影響,如網路成癮和隱私問題。)

42.In conclusion, we should be responsible for our own actions and try to make a positive contribution to society by being kind, honest, and hardworking. (總之,我們應該對自己的行為負責,並通過善良、誠實和努力工作為社會做出積極的貢獻。)

43.The best way to overcome
