* 挑戰無難事,只要肯攀登。Challenge is nothing, as long as you are willing to climb.
* 不要讓挫折和厄運阻撓你,不要讓它們成為絆腳石。Don't let setbacks and bad luck阻撓你,不要讓它們變成絆腳石。
* 世界會向那些有目標和遠見的人讓步。The world will make way for those who have goals and foresight.
* 無論你身在何處,你都會發現有無數的機會。Wherever you are, you will find opportunities galore.
* 無論遇到多大的困難,你總會找到解決的方法。No matter how big the obstacle is, you will always find a solution.
* 只有那些勇敢的人才能到達那座山頂。Only those who are brave can reach the top of the hill.
* 只要你有決心,你就能做到。As long as you have the determination, you can achieve it.
* 不要等待機會,而要創造機會。Don't wait for opportunities, but create them.
* 成功並不是終點,失敗也不是終結,只要繼續前行。Success is not the end, failure is not the end, as long as you keep moving forward.