
故事標題:The Courage of a Little Sparrow

Once upon a time, there was a little sparrow who lived in a big city. He was a brave and adventurous little bird, always ready to try new things and face new challenges.

One day, the little sparrow saw a big wheel that was moving through the sky. He had never seen anything like it before and he wanted to fly on it. So he took a leap and flew right up to the wheel.

He tried to climb on, but it was very difficult and he fell off. However, he didn't give up. He decided to try again and again until he finally managed to climb on. Once he was on, he realized that the wheel was taking him to a new place, a place full of opportunities and adventures.

As the wheel moved along, the little sparrow saw new things and met new friends. He learned that courage was not just about facing danger, but also about taking risks, learning from your mistakes, and never giving up.

The little sparrow realized that his courage had brought him to a new place full of opportunities and adventures. And that, no matter what challenges life throws at you, with courage and persistence, you can overcome anything.

