

1. Friendship is like a plant that grows from soil of mutuality (朋友情誼就像一株植物,在互相的土壤中生長)。

2. A true friend is the one who reaches out his hand to you when you're down (真正的朋友會在你失落的時候伸出援手)。

3. Friendship is like money, easy to lose but hard to get (友情就像金錢一樣,容易失去但難以獲得)。

4. Friendship is like wine, it gets better with age (友情就像美酒,越老越醇厚)。

5. A friend in need is a friend indeed (患難見真情)。

6. A friend is a mirror, telling you how to live your life (朋友是一面鏡子,告訴我們如何去生活)。

7. The best friend is the one who knows you when you're at your worst and still loves you (最好的朋友是在你最糟糕的時候依然愛你的人)。

8. Friendship is a beautiful thing that should be cherished (友情是一種美好的東西,應該珍惜)。

9. A true friend is the one who speaks well of you when others do not (真正的朋友在別人說你的壞話時,也會說你好的地方)。

10. The key to true friendship is mutual understanding and respect (真正的友誼的關鍵在於相互理解和尊重)。
