

1. Curiosity, integrity, courage, perserverance —— Steve Jobs

好奇心,誠實,勇氣,堅持 —— 史蒂夫·賈伯斯

2. To give up is the easiest thing in the world. To never give up is the most difficult. —— Steve Jobs

放棄是最容易辦到的。永不放棄是最困難的。 —— 史蒂夫·賈伯斯

3. Life is like a banquet encompassing twelve courses. When you eat one taste, you think it is bitter, then you take another taste. Each taste has its bitters, but in the end, you miss the sweetness of the meal itself. It is only after you have tried all the dishes that you can truly appreciate the meal. So it is with life. You must try all kinds of experiences, so that you can appreciate the sweetness of it. —— Steve Jobs

生活就像一頓十二道菜的宴席,每嘗過一道菜,你都會覺得苦澀,接著你又嘗了下一道菜。每道菜都有其苦澀的一面,但最終你才能真正品嘗出這頓飯的甜美。生活也是如此,你必須嘗試各種各樣的經歷,才能真正體會到它的甜美。 —— 史蒂夫·賈伯斯

