
以下是一個英文名人自傳的範例,以美國作家馬克·吐溫(Mark Twain)的自傳為例:

Mark Twain: A Personal History

Title: Mark Twain: A Personal History

Author: XYZ

Date of Publication: September 2023


Mark Twain is considered one of the most influential American writers of all time. His works are still widely read and enjoyed today. In this autobiography, XYZ explores the life and times of this legendary figure.

Chapter 1: Early Life and Family

XYZ begins by describing Mark Twain's early life and family. He grew up in a modest family in the Midwest, and his father worked as a farmer. Mark Twain had a happy childhood despite their modest circumstances.

Chapter 2: Education and Writing

XYZ then moves onto Mark Twain's education and writing career. He attended school and developed a love for reading and writing. His first published work was a newspaper column called "The Celebrated Similies" that he wrote for his hometown newspaper.

Chapter 3: Adventures and Travel

XYZ tells how Mark Twain's adventurous spirit led him to travel the world. He traveled to Europe, Asia, and South America, and these experiences shaped his writing. He wrote about his travels in books such as "A Tramp Abroad" and "Innocents Abroad."

Chapter 4: Personal Life and Struggles

XYZ describes Mark Twain's personal life and struggles. He married his wife, Olivia, in 1870 and they had three children. However, their marriage was troubled by his heavy workload and financial problems. Mark Twain dealt with alcoholism and depression, which impacted his personal life and work.

Chapter 5: Literary Achievements

XYZ concludes by discussing Mark Twain's literary achievements. He is known for his novels such as "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Prince and the Pauper." He is considered one of the greatest American writers of all time.


In this autobiography, XYZ has presented an insightful and personal view of the life of Mark Twain. His experiences, both personal and professional, provide a valuable window into the life of an iconic figure. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in American literature and culture.
