
英文因果故事:The Frog and the Eagle

Once upon a time, there was a frog who lived in a small pond. He was content with his life, swimming and eating small insects. One day, an eagle flew overhead and dropped a piece of meat into the pond. The frog saw the meat and thought to himself, "If only I could be like that eagle and catch meat, I would never have to worry about food again."

The frog decided to try and imitate the eagle. He practiced flying and trying to catch meat, but he was a frog and couldn't quite manage it. He fell flat on his face time and time again. Finally, he gave up and decided to be happy with his small pond and his small life.

One day, the eagle flew over again and saw the disappointed frog. He flew down and asked why he was giving up on his dreams. The frog explained his struggles and the eagle smiled and said, "You are a frog, and that is what you were meant to be. Don't try to be something you're not, because it won't work out."

The frog listened to the eagle's advice and decided to be content with his life as a frog. He swam around his pond, catching small insects, and was happy with his lot in life.

