

1. Success is not final, but failure is not fatal:成功不是終點,而失敗不是致死。

2. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it:勇氣不是沒有恐懼,而是戰勝恐懼。

3. Learning is not a task, to be done by force; it is a joy, to be enjoyed

4. Discipline is the soul of excellence:自律是卓越的靈魂。

5. Every moment of our life, we are learning something new:我們生命中的每一刻,都在學習一些新的事物。

6. Failure is the road to success, and success is the road to great accomplishment:失敗是通向成功的道路,而成功則是通往偉大成就的道路。

7. Dream what is possible, and what you will become:夢想那些可能的事,成為你想成為的人。

