

1. 祝你身體健康,天天開心!

Wishing you good health and happiness every day!

2. 願你一切順心,萬事如意!

Wishing you all the best in your life, with everything going your way!

3. 祝你事業有成,家庭幸福!

Wishing you success in your career and happiness in your family!

4. 願你的未來如同旭日東升,充滿希望和光明!

May your future be filled with hope and brightness, just like the rising sun!

5. 祝你生日快樂,願所有的快樂都屬於你!

Happy birthday to you, all the happiness belongs to you!

6. 願你平安喜樂,事事順心,未來可期!

May you live in peace, happiness and joy, and all your wishes come true in the future!

7. 聖誕節快樂,願你有個美好的一天!

Merry Christmas, may you have a wonderful day!

8. 願你的每一天都充滿陽光,祝你幸福安康!

May every day of yours be filled with sunshine, and may you be happy and healthy!
