
故事名稱:The Adventures of Little Bear

(Little Bear climbs out of his bed and into his clothes, excitedly saying)

Little Bear: Today is a special day! It's going to be an adventure!

(Outside, the sun is shining and there is a rustle in the trees. Little Bear heads outside with his favorite backpack)

Little Bear: Hey, friends! Come with me on our adventure today!

(The cubs all gather around Little Bear and excitedly hop into their backpacks)

Little Bear: Ready? Set? GO!

(They all start to trek through the forest, laughing and singing)

Little Red: Hey, look! A river!

Little Bear: Great! Let's go for a swim!

(They all jump into the river and have a great time swimming and playing)

Big Brown Bear: I think we should head back now. It's getting late.

Little Bear: Oh, you're right. I'm tired too. But it was a great adventure today!

(They all head back to camp, tired but happy)


