

1. So much sadness, so little time.(悲傷太多,時間太少。)

2. Wishing you peace and comfort after sorrow.(願悲傷之後,你總能找到平靜與安慰。)

3. When you feel all alone in the world, remember that there are those who care.(當你感到全世界都離你而去時,記得有人關心你。)

4. The sadness in your eyes is hard to bear.(你眼中的悲傷我難以承受。)

5. Time heals all wounds, even the ones that seem deepest.(時間會治癒一切傷口,哪怕是看似最深的傷。)

6. Although the world may be full of sadness, there is still beauty to be found.(雖然世界充滿了悲傷,但仍然可以找到美麗。)

7. Hope is a beautiful thing, even when it』s shattered.(即使希望破滅,它仍然是美好的。)

8. There will always be sorrow in this world, but there will also be beauty and joy.(這個世界上總是有悲傷,但也會有美麗和歡樂。)

