

1. 感謝你幫我做了我無法完成的事情。 Thank you for helping me with something that I couldn't have done on my own.

2. 非常感謝你提供的幫助。 I really appreciate the help you've provided.

3. 你的支持和幫助對我非常有影響力。 Your support and assistance have been incredibly valuable to me.

4. 你的好意讓我感到非常溫暖。 Your kindness has made me feel very welcomed.

5. 感謝你一直以來的支持和鼓勵。 I really appreciate all the support and encouragement you've always given me.

6. 我對你的幫助深感感激。 I'm deeply grateful for your assistance.

7. 你的善意和慷慨讓我感到非常榮幸。 It's been an honor to have your kindness and generosity.

8. 你的幫助讓我感覺非常舒適和安心。 Your assistance has made me feel very comfortable and at ease.

9. 你的關心和支持對我來說是無價的。 Your care and support mean the world to me.

10. 無論何時何地,只要你需要,我都會盡我所能來幫助你。 No matter what, whenever you need, I will do my best to help you out.

