故事標題: The Little Mermaid 故事簡介:一個小美人魚為了追求到王子的愛,不惜放棄她與海底王國的一切聯繫,最後她雖然獲得了王子的愛,卻因為她的愛情沒有得到海底國王的祝福而變成泡沫消失在海中。
Story Text: Once upon a time, there was a little mermaid who loved the prince very much. She wanted to be with him, so she decided to give up everything she had in the underwater kingdom. She sacrificed her freedom, her family, and her own happiness. Although she gained the prince's love, she couldn't have the king's blessing and became a bubble in the sea.
故事標題: The Boy and the Beast 故事簡介:一個小男孩不小心闖入了一座神秘的城堡,他意外地遇到了被囚禁在城堡中的一位美麗公主,他們之間的友誼和相互幫助讓他們一起度過了許多困難和挑戰,最終他們一起戰勝了城堡中的邪惡怪獸並找到了回家的路。
Story Text: Once upon a time, there was a little boy who accidentally wandered into a mysterious castle. He met a beautiful princess who was trapped inside the castle. They formed a friendship and helped each other through many difficulties and challenges. Together, they overcame the evil beast inside the castle and found their way home.