
英文有趣小故事:The Cat and the Moon

Once upon a time, there was a cat named Kitty who lived on a farm. One night, the moon was so bright that Kitty couldn't sleep. She decided to go outside and explore.

As Kitty wandered around the yard, she came across a rabbit. The rabbit was frightened by the cat's sudden appearance and tried to hide. But Kitty was curious and followed the rabbit into its burrow.

As she peered into the burrow, Kitty saw a flash of light and thought it might be a shiny object. She followed the light and discovered that it was the moon reflecting off a shiny object inside the rabbit's burrow.

Kitty was amazed by this discovery and decided to tell the other animals on the farm. She woke up all of them and they all came to see the shiny object in the burrow. They all marveled at the reflection of the moon and how it could be seen from such a small space.

From then on, Kitty became known as the cat who discovered the moon. She would often point to the sky and tell the other animals, "See that bright light? That's my discovery!" And they would all laugh and clap for her.


