

1. "I love you more than words can say it." - 莎士比亞

2. "You light up my life like a star." - 佚名

3. "My heart beats for you, even when we're apart." - 莎士比亞

4. "I can't imagine life without you." - 佚名

5. "You are the only one who fills my heart." - 約瑟夫·惠爾賴特

6. "My love is like a gentle rain, falling softly upon the meadow." - 佚名

7. "I am forever changed by your touch." - 佚名

8. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." - 佚名

9. "My heart belongs to you." - 佚名

10. "I am yours, and you are mine, forever." - 佚名

