
故事標題:The Adventures of Little Bear and Big Mountain

Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Little Bear. He lived in a forest with his family and friends. Little Bear loved to explore and discover new things in the forest. One day, he decided to climb up Big Mountain to see what was on the top.

Little Bear started climbing, but he soon realized that the mountain was much taller than he had imagined. He was tired and thirsty, but he kept going. After a while, he reached the top and found a beautiful meadow with flowers and butterflies. He was amazed by what he saw and started playing.

Suddenly, he heard a howl in the distance. It sounded like a big dog or wolf. Little Bear was afraid, but he didn't want to let his guard down in case it was just someone playing a prank. He waited for a while, but the howl didn't come again.

Little Bear started exploring again and found a cave on the edge of the meadow. He decided to hide inside and wait for the danger to pass. He sat there for a while, playing with some rocks and enjoying the view.

Finally, he heard some footsteps coming towards the cave. Little Bear peeked out and saw that it was a group of other bears coming to the meadow to rest and enjoy the sunshine. They were friendly and welcomed Little Bear into their group.

Little Bear had an amazing adventure on Big Mountain and met some new friends. He learned that courage and persistence can lead to unexpected discoveries and friendships.

That's the end of Little Bear's adventure on Big Mountain. He may have been scared at first, but he proved that with courage and perseverance, anything is possible.
