
故事標題:尋找丟失的鑰匙 A man lost his keys one day and couldn't find them anywhere. He was getting anxious because he needed his keys to unlock his house and car. As he wandered around the neighborhood looking for them, he finally found a neighbor who could help him. "Do you have any lost keys?" he asked the neighbor. "I've looked everywhere and I can't find them," the man replied. "Well, maybe they're in your mailbox," the neighbor suggested. The man followed the neighbor's advice and sure enough, found his keys in the mailbox. 中文翻譯: 一位男士有一天丟了鑰匙,怎麼也找不到。他非常焦慮,因為他需要鑰匙才能打開房子和車。他在附近四處尋找,最終找到了一位鄰居來幫忙。「您有沒有丟失的鑰匙?」他問鄰居。「我到處都找過了,找不到,」鄰居回答說。「喔,也許它們在您的信箱裡,」鄰居建議說。那位男士聽了鄰居的建議,果然在信箱裡找到了鑰匙。 故事啟示: 不要放棄尋找丟失的東西,有時候它就在你意想不到的地方等待著你去發現。
