
故事標題:The Magic Apple Tree

Once upon a time, there was a magical apple tree that grew in a faraway land. This tree was said to have been blessed by the gods and was the source of many wonderful and miraculous things.

The tree grew in a beautiful garden filled with flowers and birds. Its apples were so sweet and delicious that they were known far and wide. People from all over the kingdom came to gather these apples, and they were said to have healing powers that could cure even the most severe illnesses.

One day, a young prince from a neighboring kingdom came to the garden to gather apples. He had heard of the tree's wonders and hoped to use its apples to help his people. As he was gathering apples, he noticed a small, neglected tree growing in the corner of the garden. He decided to take a closer look at it and found a small crack in its trunk.

Curious, he touched the crack and a magical power flowed through him. Suddenly, he felt as if he had been blessed by the gods themselves. He returned home with renewed vigor and hope, determined to use his newfound power to help his people.

From that day forward, the young prince became known as the "Miracle Worker," and he used the magic of the apple tree to heal the sick and bring joy to those who were suffering. He planted more apple trees throughout his kingdom, and they became a symbol of hope and happiness for all who lived there.

The story of the Magic Apple Tree has been passed down through the ages, becoming a legend that激勵著人們去關愛自然、善待生命,去創造奇蹟和希望。
