

* 恭喜你倆喜結連理! Congratulations on your wedding day!

* 祝福你們永浴愛河! Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness!

* 祝福你們婚姻美滿,白頭偕老! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness as you build a beautiful marriage together, growing old together!

* 願你們的愛情永恆如初,婚姻美滿幸福! May your love last forever and your marriage be filled with happiness!

* 祝福你們新婚愉快,百年好合! Wishing you a happy new marriage and a lifetime of happiness together!

* 祝你們幸福美滿,相愛相守! Congratulations on your wedding day, may you both be happy and fulfilled in your marriage!

