1. 故事以小紅帽的視角開始,描述她去看望生病的外婆的旅程。
2. 小紅帽在森林裡遇到了大灰狼,大灰狼試圖欺騙和嚇唬小紅帽,但小紅帽保持冷靜並保持警惕。
3. 小紅帽成功到達外婆家,並告訴外婆大灰狼的事情。外婆建議小紅帽需要小心,並告訴她不要回應大灰狼的任何請求。
4. 當小紅帽和大灰狼再次相遇時,大灰狼試圖引誘小紅帽進入陷阱。小紅帽明白大灰狼的意圖,她用智慧戰勝了大灰狼,最終成功逃離。
1. At the start, it was narrated from Little Red Riding Hood's perspective as she began her journey to visit her sick grandma.
2. On the way, Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf in the forest. The wolf tried to deceive and scare her, but Little Red Riding Hood remained calm and vigilant.
3. Little Red Riding Hood successfully arrived at grandma's house and informed her of the wolf's presence. Grandma advised Little Red Riding Hood to be careful and not to respond to any of the wolf's requests.
4. When Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf met again, the wolf tried to lure Little Red Riding Hood into a trap. Little Red Riding Hood understood the wolf's intentions and used her wisdom to defeat him, and ultimately managed to escape successfully.