

1. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (人生就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。)

2. Life is like a journey, full of ups and downs. (人生就像一段旅程,充滿了起伏。)

3. Life is like a flame, burning brightly for a while, then fading away. (人生就像火焰,燃燒一段時間後就會慢慢熄滅。)

4. Life is like a painting, full of colors and beauty, yet imperfect in its execution. (人生就像一幅畫,充滿了色彩和美麗,但也有瑕疵。)

5. Life is like a book, full of chapters, each with its own meaning and lessons to learn. (人生就像一本書,充滿了章節,每個章節都有它自己的意義和需要學習的教訓。)

6. Life is not about how fast you run, but how you run until you reach your goal. (人生不在於你跑得多快,而在於你怎樣跑到終點。)

7. Life is full of ups and downs, but there's always sunshine on the other side. (人生充滿了起伏,但總有陽光在前方。)

