* Best wishes and warm regards during this joyful occasion.(在這個喜慶的時刻,祝願您萬事如意,溫馨相伴。)
* Wishing you peace, prosperity and good luck in the coming year.(願您在新的一年裡平安,繁榮,幸運。)
* A hearty congratulations on your business success. May you continue to grow and prosper.(衷心祝賀您的商業成功,願您繼續成長和繁榮。)
* Thank you for your hard work and dedication to your business. May the coming year bring you continued success and fulfillment.(感謝您對商業的辛勤工作和奉獻。願新的一年帶給您持續的成功和滿足。)
* Wishing you all the joy and happiness that business can bring, and may your business grow and prosper like never before.(祝願商業給您帶來一切歡樂和幸福,願您的商業增長和發展比以往任何時候都要繁榮。)