

* 祝賀貴店開業大吉!生意興隆,財源廣進!

Congratulations on your business opening! Good luck in business and prosperity, with many sources of income.

* 恭喜發財,大吉大利!生意興隆,天天開門紅!

Congratulations on your success and prosperity! Good luck and great fortune! Success in business, with a red-hot opening every day!

* 願貴店開業大吉,生意興隆通四海。

Wishing your business a grand opening and prosperity that reaches all four corners of the world.

* 祝賀貴店開業,願生意紅紅火火。

Congratulations on your business opening, hoping for a thriving business.

* 恭喜發財,生意興隆!祝福您的店鋪開業大吉!

Congratulations on your success and prosperity! Wishing your business a grand opening!

